

Dear Jenny,

We are very happy to know that you have received a Master degree in literature from Tsinghua University. To have reached this milestone in your scholarship at a young age is really great. It means, I believe, years of assiduous study and hard work on your part.

And it is an achievement you can be well proud of. Meanwhile,I got the news from Mike that you have just had a beautiful new baby boy, I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years later he will be a smart fellow.

May the years ahead be filled with good health and good fortune for you and Mike and your little wishes to all of you!

Very sincerely yours,



Dear Ruth,

I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of the company. I know how talented you are and how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal. No one could have been more deserving. How exciting it must be for you to realize your ambitions after all those years of hard working. It’s been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.

Sincere congratulations to you. Your expertise and dedication will bring out the best of everyone on your staff. They’re learning from a real professional.

I wish you still further success.

Sincerely yours,

Ma Lin


XXXX students:

In this hot summer season, the good news for you to be accepted by xxxxx University. We feel very happy. Here, give you the warmest congratulations!

You from primary school to high school, experienced twelve studying hard, positive, work hard, overcome difficulties, especially to overcome family economic difficulties. You have not failed to live up to the expectations of parents, schools, friends and friends, and finally the dream of going to college. In the primary stage of life, a good period is made.

But it is only the first step, the road ahead will be even longer and more arduous. After the summer vacation, you will step on the new mileage and enter the University. This is also a very important stage in life.

I hope you can adapt to the learning and living environment of the University as soon as possible. More diligent and hard learning, lay a solid foundation for life, set up the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and honor and disgrace, and become a healthy, healthy, virtuous, knowledgeable and talented person.

I hope you will have lofty ideals and firm belief, study harder, learn knowledge skills, cultivate skills in all aspects, and contribute to the motherland and the people in the future.

I hope you will be responsible and grateful. You have today, first of all is to feed your parents training followed by bear bitter hardships, primary and secondary school teachers as hepatobiliary for you Lek's teachings, there are a large number of students and alumni help, these will remain in your memory. To be worthy of his own, worthy of the parents, worthy of the alumni of the students, worthy of the Qing Hua feeling.


Dear Ruth,

I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of thcompany. I know how talented you are and how hard you've worked to attain goal. No one could have been more deserving. How exciting it must be for yorealize your ambitions after all those years of hard working. It's been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.

Sincere congratulations to you. Your expertise and dedication will bring out tbest of everyone on your staff. They're learning from a real professional. I wish you still further success.

Sincerely yours,

Ma Li


Dear Forria,

I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on your graduation from senior high school and enrollment by Peking feel very proud of you and l believe you reallv deserve the honor since you have been working so hard on am sure your parents are greatly proud of just want you to know how pleased I am to witness your by Peking University is a new start for will bring you a good chance to learn from top 's advantageous to you to study with so many excellent students who of course will give you motivations to study wish you a greater success in university and a happy and fruitful life in the next four years.

May you adapt yourself to good the college life as soon as possible!

Sincerely yours



Dear ,

Just a note to wish you a very happy newyear. May the new year bring you joy, love and peace. My memory of you is oneof the most delightful experience I have ever had. I would very much like tocontinue our friendship.

As another year draws to close, it gives usgreat pleasure to say how much we have appreciated working with you over thepast twelve months.

We sincerely hope that our pleasant businessrelationship will continue for years to come.

Our staff here join me in wishing you a MerryChristmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Peter,

I have received your e-mail.

I am very excited and inspired by the good news that you have been admitted into Harvard.

First I'd like to offer my congratulations to you on your great success and I also hope to enter a famous university just like you.

Now I want to tell you something about myself.

As you know, I'm busy preparing for the College Entrance Examination.

Day after day I work very hard and have to stay up late doing piles of papers.

However, I'm always feeling stressed out because my efforts don't seem to pay off, which makes me frustrated and exhausted.

Will you be kind enough to give me some advice?

I would appreciate it if you could write back to me as soon as possible.


Li Hua


Dear Li Ming,

I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your admission to a postgraduate at Beijing University.

I must say that I was not surprised to hear this good news. I know that you have been desirous of furthering your study in a prestigious university and how industrious and perseverant you have always been in order to realize this dream. I am delighted that the four years of your hard work has finally been rewarded in this way. It is obvious that you will have a wide-open future ahead of you.

Congratulations again. I wish you all the best in your future life and study.


Wang Hu


Dear Lucy,

It was a pleasure to hear of your promotion to the position of Credit-Manager of your bank. Congratulations!

I really think that you deserve the position after years of service and experience you have had in this field of business. Now you possess the ability to be an excellent leader and manage the business successfully.

I do believe that you will achieve one success after another on this new stage. And I am looking forward to hearing more good news from you. Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion again.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Guojun,

I heard that you graduated with high honors from Southeast University last month. I know that all your family must be very proud of you, and as your friend, I feel the same.

I wish you greater and more brilliant success in your studies and work in the future.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Qi Zi


Dear Sandy,

I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olym for the middle school students.

I know that you are always good at English.

You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class.

So I’m surprise at all that you become champion for this competition.

However, in my mind, this match is very difficult.

So I becomemore and more admire you.

Sincere congratulation to you again.

Best wishes,



Dear Friend,

I’m writing this letter to express my congratulations that you are going to get married. You can’t imagine how excited I am when I hear the news. I’m just as happy as you, so I’d like to send my hearty congratulations to you.

Please accept my warmest regards, “ I hope your future will be glorious. I hope your love will be sweet. I hope your happiness will be eternal. I hope your dream will come true.”

Yours Sincerely,


Dear Zhang Jian,

I am just as proud as you can be of you and send my sincerest congratulations on your admission to Beijing University as a postgraduate.

During the past four years, you kept improving and devoted yourself into your major study. I am delighted that the four years of your study has been rewarded in this way. It is obvious that you will have a promising future in front of you.

Congratulations again. I wish you will make great achievement in you future study and life. I am looking forward to hearing more good news in your studies and research work.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Mr. Smith,

It is a pleasure to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Deputy Managing Director ABC Trading Company.

Because of our close association with you over the past ten years, we know how well you are qualified for this important office. You earned the promotion through years of hard work and we are delighted to see your true ability win recognition.

Again, congratulations and best wishes for continued success.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Dear Henry,

I am writing to offer my sincerestcongratulations on your admission into the Biology

Departmentof Peking University as a graduate. As your close friend, I just want you to know

how luckyI am to be able to share your pride and how pleased I am at your admission.

In my view, you work hard and besides that, you are a very intelligent person. This admission

is a rewardwhich you richly deserve. I am sure you will make greaterprogress in your

study and obtaina bright future in your life.

I wishyou greater success in your school career and I am looking forward to good newsfrom you soon.

Best wishes. Englishtec


Li Hua



I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of ourUniversity Students' Union. This is a specialand happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement.

The Students' Union plays an essential role in our campus life. Managing andleveraging such an organization not only poses a great challenge to you, butwill also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. I believe thisposition will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller lifeand pave the way for a brilliant future career.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations!

Best wishes,



Dear Jenny,

We are very happy to know that you have received a Master degree in literature from Tsinghua University.

To have reached this milestone in your scholarship at a young age is really great.

It means, I believe, years of assiduous study and hard work on your part.

And it is an achievement you can be well proud of.

Meanwhile,I got the news from Mike that you have just had a beautiful new baby boy, I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years later he will be a smart fellow.

May the years ahead be filled with good health and good fortune for you and Mike and your little Whats-his-name.

Best wishes to all of you! Very sincerely




Dear Andy,

How time flies!I have learned with happy that you was given a place at the University of is a special moment for ! This is a notable day in your life and your know you worked very hard on the past few can imagine the hardship you overcome in this believe this time you outdo yourself and more to a higher level in your study. It is a new beginning,and you will be gain success in university , it’s a good chance for you to with so many top students who will give you motivations to study hard. I wish you success in all activities you take part in and you will enjoy the life.


yours,Xiao Ming





Dear Mr. Smith,

It is a pleasure to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Deputy Managing Director ABC Trading Company.

Because of our close association with you over the past ten years, we know how well you are qualified for this important office. You earned the promotion through years of hard work and we are delighted to see your true ability win recognition.

Again, congratulations and best wishes for continued success.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming




Dear Sandy,

I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olym for the middle school students. I know that you are always good at English. You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class. So I'm surprise at all that you become champion for this competition. However, in my mind, this match is very difficult. So I becomemore and more admire you. Sincere congratulation to you again.

Best wishes,
