Study Abroad or in China?
There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not. Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that it is unnecessary for students to study in a foreign country.
Those people who agree with studying abroad believe that diverse culture backgrounds can broaden students horizon. They also claim that overseas study can shape students personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves. Nevertheless, the other people who agree with domestic education argue that our educational programs have been greatly improved during the past decades. They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.
As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, it can strengthen the learners abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures. For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge we need to study. When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad is advisable.
There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic abroad has a number of rewards/ the first place,a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at the second place,he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and but not least,by living and studying in a foreign country,one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.
Nevertheless,as every coin has two sides,studying abroad also confronts one with a series of one thing,learning a foreign language is far from an easy thing at the beginning for most another,a completely new environment with different customs and habits may also be a barrier to overseas students,especially to the added difficulty lies with finance:it can cost a lot to study abroad.
From my point of view,the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its it is a big decision to go abroad to study and one should take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.
MLA是Modern Language Association的缩写,是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,同时也是美国英文论文写作最常用的一种参考文献格式。相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA格式更加严谨,更加常用。让我们一起来来具体的MLA格式写作介绍吧。
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Conclusion之后就是参考文献部分,记参考部分要另起一页哦。在参考文献页第一行居中书写“Works Cited”,再附上具体的引用条目,注意一定要按首字母排序。
上面说完了MLA的论文格式,那么接下来说说MLA引用格式的写作细节,参考文献分为两种,一种是In-Text Reference(这种主要在文中);另一还总是Reference List(这种需要在文末)。让我们先来看看文中的引用格式具体介绍:
以上就是In-Text Reference的写作介绍,下面就来看看Reference List的写作介绍:
From: ****
University of Science and Technology
Hefei, Anhui 230026, . China
July 1, 1998
Dear Sir or Madam:
I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.
Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.
He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics.(缺点介绍,公正真实) But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.
In my experience with Mr. Wang, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Wang will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.
Yours sincerely
Professor and Deputy Head
7/ - 11/ summer team: expand job channels for students
got in touch with 10 companies, visited 4 companies and found their talent demands
made agreements with 4 companies that they would recruit graduates in lanzhou university
10/ – 1/ volunteer teacher for the hongshan school in lanzhou
taught the course of english for the rural workers ’ children in the school
with the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for further study。 they insist that there are more modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in some foreign colleges and universities, which lay a perfect foundation for their future development。
however, there are still many people who favor studying at home。 they argue that, for one thing, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore doesn’t pay off。 for another, there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country。
just as the old saying goes, “every advantage has its disadvantage,” so i believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense。 if students have the chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes。 on the other hand, if conditions don’t permit, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country。 what counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn。
Dear _,
“Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going to Get”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kind of chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I work hard with my unwavering belief and persevering efforts like Forrest Gump. As a student of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate study since July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I have yearned for all long. With four-year study of . in China, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in __ University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academic atmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront the situation back home.
My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at _University. Upon entering the university in 2000, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in my grade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated my luck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement, from the university, especially the scholarship of “_University – American United Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who are both good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good job in mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories and technologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals and attending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduate career, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used to participate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory, mechanical designs and graduate design.
Especially during the period from September to November of 2003, I read many books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbook of Practical Gear Design” (Written by __). In these books, I did intensive reading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with my teacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to my teacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to make a harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of the whole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperate with each other harmoniously. Before starting the program, I, together with my team, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. The first step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is as follows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/E software. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assembling simulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly. After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of the product. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturing process of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine tools such as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center, and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer, and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting efforts, we succeeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highest praise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study. Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks could hardly cover everything, therefore, if we want to learn more, we should pursue every opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance and mightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into several parts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each other harmoniously.
Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation, “Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objective of this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding the heat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took charge of the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work: selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameters such as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base by electroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do the second part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplated CBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. This part of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. I did the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with various wheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grinding ratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resisted steel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasive grains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we can conclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than other wheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc. The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parameters of grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparing the grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground in different grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplated CBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project is very important in promoting the application of them.
China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future of its Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our belief that this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experienced technicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts many advanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked as intern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilities which were used in America about thirty years ago. Therefore I want to use the advanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance with China, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientific technology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become a successful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarative field. The significant progress achieved in , with the extraordinary cultural and intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based on the study and the research experience in _ University, I am sure that I am qualified and would be an outstanding . student. With the advanced courses, balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get a solid background for my future academic career.
Yours sincerely,
From: ****
University of Science and Technology
Hefei, Anhui 230026, . China
July 1, 1998
Dear Sir or Madam:
I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.
Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.
He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics.(缺点介绍,公正真实) But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his En...
Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.
The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.
With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.
As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.
My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter ker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?
With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.
Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.
During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.
美国本科留学个人简历优秀范文赏析及写作攻略汇总 留学生必备锦囊!
美国本科留学签证个人简历优秀模板 留学生必收藏!
2018年美国本科留学时间规划表及申请材料汇总 留学生必备攻略!
美国留学个人简历写作要点及写作误区大盘点 助你更好地展现自己!
dear sir / madam:
in the capacity of ×× of class ×, no. × middle school of ××, p. r china, i am writing with pleasure to recommend mr. ×× to your esteemed university.
i have known mr. × as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 20××, when he, as a freshman, attended the first lecture i delivered, at the beginning of which he asked perceptive and challenging questions with conspicuously typical english. then at the final exam of the first term, he got ×× which seems a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such a score is still among the top five. undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class during the rest years of his high school study.
to my knowledge, mr. × is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities. he was the captain of the ×× team of our school and led the team to win the champianship for × successive years. he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club --"××" of no × middle school.
after his graduation, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and i am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability by applying to study abroad. therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. i am confident that mr. ×will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in no. ×. please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information about my top student mr. ×.
yours sincerely
Dear Professor Zhiyong Lan:
My name is Lan Xi, a . candidate studying Land Resource Management in College of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spend one year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end of September 2014 for a . Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledge about international policy of land management.
The land resource management is really an important major in Chinese University. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policy and planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distribution of land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7 years since 2006 when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7 years.
I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on some magazines, and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality in words. Moreover, your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot. As myself, it’s so thankful for my 7 years studying of land resource management and 5 more projects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person. And I’m sure I can help you and your team with some land projects.
I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resource management and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me more information about the application at your earliest convenient.
Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities,it is important to study abroad for some or part of one’s college abroad can give a student competency in a new language,familiarity with a different culture,and a chance to grow in different ways.
One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-paced have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.
Knowing another culture is also important for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.
When we are out of our environment,we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doing are all individuals and we need time to be on our own,away from our comfortable may try different things and reject might also adopt can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings.
Study abroad can be only can we learn a new language,understand more about a different culture,but we can learn more about ourselves the same time,of course,we are getting an education in the formal sense.
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