
初中图表作文真题范文 第一篇

2022 年四川省达州市


第八部分 书面表达(10分)

76. 初中生活已近尾声,我们即将迎来崭新的高中生活。请以“My Plans for Senior High School Life”为题,从以下五个方面谈谈你的打算:










参考词汇:adapt to 适应

My Plans for Senior High School Life

My junior high school days are coming to an end. And now I am looking forward to my life in senior high school. To better prepare for it, I’ve made some plans.

初中图表作文真题范文 第二篇


According to the chart / graph / diagram / table, we clearly learn that _________. As early as _________,___________. Then,_________. Last,__________. In contrast, by _________,__________.

There are many reasons accounting for _________. Firstly, ,__________. Finally,_________. As a result,_________.

As far as I am concerned,_________. For one thing,__________. For another,________. In brief, I hold that__________.


As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that _________. Secondly,__________.

In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the same time,_______. To sum up ,_________.


What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above indicates that in recent years, more and more people pay attention to _________. The number of those who _________ has increased ________, and furthermore,____________.

There are two factors responsible for the changes. In the first place,_________. Moreover,__________. Yet, it is noticeable that __________.

From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that__________. It is possible that in the future, the tendency will__________.

初中图表作文真题范文 第三篇

2022 年四川省广安市


第四部分 书面表达(满分10分)






初中图表作文真题范文 第四篇

76. 假如你是Li Hua,你的外国好友 Frank 来信告知他将成为你校七年级新生。请根据下列表格中的内容, 结合自己初中阶段学习、生活等方面的经历,回一封邮件,供他参考。



2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;

3. 词数:80~100;


正文首句:I'm glad to know you' re coming to study in our school.

Dear Frank,


Best wishes.


Li Hua

初中图表作文真题范文 第五篇

有效的课后作业能激发学生的学习兴趣,丰富学习经历,提升综合素养,并在知识与生活之间搭起一座桥梁。某校为减轻学生的负担,改进作业布置的方式,针对“你最喜欢的一种英语课后作业类型”对 1267 名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是相关的统计结果。

假如你是该校的学生,请你根据以上图表信息,用两段话写一篇短文。 内容包括:


2.从图表中选出 一种你最喜欢的作业类型,结合自己的经历,谈谈这种作业的好处。

初中图表作文真题范文 第六篇

2022 年四川省雅安市



61.“读万卷书,行万里路。”阅读已成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分。你校英语社即将举办以热爱阅读为主题的征文活动。请根据以下提示,以“Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life”为题写篇短文,分享你对阅读的看法,并提出建议。





提示词:开阔视野 open up one's mind


1.词数 80—100,已经给出的部分不计入总词数;

2. 短文必须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺;

3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名等相关信息。

初中图表作文真题范文 第七篇

47. 假设你是李华,正和英国笔友Jack寻找假期共读的书。你发现下图中的书特别适 合你们阅读。请你根据下面的提示信息,给他写一封e-mail,介绍此书并征求他的意见。

✦tell how things change from start to finish

✦win many world awards(奖)

✦six topics of interest (nature, food, animals…)

✦written in both English and Chinese

✦hundreds of color photos





Dear Jack,

I've just found a book and can't wait to tell you about it.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

初中图表作文真题范文 第八篇

Dear Jack,

I'm pleased to know that you're coming for the exchange visit.

We have many interesting school activities. Among them, the singing competition is the most popular. It offers a great chance to show our talents and helps us to learn something new. As for Chinese culture, I suggest you visit the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.You can learn about the history of Chinese tea there.Hope this helps. And tell me if there is anything else you need to know.

Li Ping

初中图表作文真题范文 第九篇

A school did a survey among 1,267 students about their favorite kinds of English homework. Here are the results. 42% of the students like listening and speaking homework best, and 29% enjoy reading and writing. The percentage of the students who like the hands-on project is 22% and 7% choose other kinds of homework.

初中图表作文真题范文 第十篇

Dear Uncle Bob,

I'm so glad to hear from you about visiting Beijing. Here's the trip plan. We'll meet at the airport at 2 . on June 30th. We can go to the hotel directly to have a rest as I've already booked the rooms. The next day we'll watch the flag-raising ceremony at Tian'anmen Square early in the morning.It must be amazing! What about the Great Wall? It's worth visiting and you'll be impressed. As for dinner, we'll have the delicious food, Beijing duck. Honestly, I am getting excited about the trip.

Looking forward to meeting all of you in Beijing.

Li Xin

初中图表作文真题范文 第十一篇


校 对:薛倩倩

审 核:徐 芳 贾丹彤


中考加油!2022 中考英语 4 大题型解题技巧梳理(转给学生)

考前冲刺 | 2022 中考英语作文 7 大话题预测(附实用句式+优质范文)


新高考 I 卷全方位解读看这里!(附课件PPT)




初中图表作文真题范文 第十二篇

We plan to have a new column――Dialogue with Teachers on the school English website. I think it's a good way for both teachers and students to develop a good relation ship.If we often have a dialogue, we'll understand each other better and become friends. We will also have a chance to give our teachers some suggestions on homework, after-school activities, and even the way of teaching.Our teachers will know what we expect and they'll help us learn better.

I believe with the help of the column, we'll enjoy a rich and colorful school life.

初中图表作文真题范文 第十三篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad to see your notice Volunteers Wanted. Some foreign students will visit Sans Temple this Sunday morning. I'm willing to be a volunteer.

Let me introduce myself to you. I'm a middle school student aged 15. I'm an outgoing girl/boy who can always get on well with others. As for the time, I will be available this Sunday morning. My oral English is so excellent that I have no difficulty communicating with foreign friends. More importantly, I know a lot about Sansu culture. I'm sure I can help them have a better understanding of it.

I believe I can manage it if you give me a chance. Please reply to me by Friday!


Li Hua