
广州市英语中考范文 第一篇


The spring Festival

Dear Jhon :

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar(中国的农历). Its Chinas New Years Day. So usually a month before the festival people begin to buy food clothes and decorations(装饰) for houses.

About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner. And they will do a lot of washing and cleaning in the houses. People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new years family reunion(团聚).

On New Year Eve each family will gather tighter eating talking and watching TV for almost the whole night. And there will be some interesting programmes on TV. The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from parents or grandparents.

On Lunar New Years Day after getting up people will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends theyll say: Happy New Year!

I am ready to spend with together my family on the Spring Festival Iam going to see my grandparents and friengs . I m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children .Wellcom to China. Waiting for your e -mail.

广州市英语中考范文 第二篇

假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫Tiger Mom的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据博客内容、写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。

I’m the mother of a fourteen-year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong?


广州市英语中考范文 第三篇

Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. Students who want to have strong bodies as well as develop their teamwork spirit can choose to attend the football course because this course encourages students to work together. Those who look for a chance to practice their oral English can attend the English drama course. What’s more, it will provide them chances to act out some interesting plays. Besides, for those who want to know more about science and increase their interest, we will also have a model making course.

In my opinion, I strongly suggest that we should have an International course as well. It is a good opportunity for us to broaden our horizons and I think it is a good chance to improve our foreign language skills.

广州市英语中考范文 第四篇

Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. First of all, the football course is the best choice if you like playing football. When you play football, you can take regular exercise and build up your body. At the same time, playing football can develop your teamwork spirit because you can learn how to help each other.

What’s more, English play course is a good choice for the students who like English. In the class, it is a good chance for the students to learn acting and improve oral English. If you want to develop an interest in science, you’d better choose model making course. When you make some models, you can learn more about the science.

In my opinion, we should have a reading course as well, because we can learn plenty of knowledge from books. If we read more books, we will become smarter and , seafood and so on. The more I knew about the food culture of Guangzhou ,the prouder I felt about being part of Guangzhou.

提示:1.步行或骑自行车去上学;最好不坐公交车或私家车;2. 使用节能灯,少开灯,离开时记住关灯。3. 节约用水,注意随手关好水龙头4. 节约用纸,随身携带手帕。5. 要有回收利用废品的意识。...

广州市英语中考范文 第五篇

学校英语社团在举办征文比赛,请你根据以下提示内容,写一篇题为“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”的英语文章。内容要点如下:

1. 对我影响最大的人是我的妈妈,她四十几岁;

2. 她总是耐心倾听我的问题,并建议我如何解决它们;

3. 作为一名医生,她常说再怎么仔细也不为过。她总是加班,把她的大部分时


4. 所以,我认为她不仅是位好妈妈,也是名好医生。

5. 我希望 ……

要求:1. 内容须包含所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 词数90个左右;

3. 第5点的内容需展开合理想象,用2-3句话补充完整。