
郑州市英语介绍范文 第一篇

Dear friends

Hello everyone, welcome to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Myname is Liu x, the guide of Zhengzhou Tianxia travel agency. This is our driver,master Zou. During your tour in Zhengzhou, master Zou and I will provide youwith services. I wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and the political, economic andcultural center of Henan Province. It is located in the hinterland of China andamong the nine prefectures. It is adjacent to the surging Yellow River in thenorth, the majestic Songshan Mountain in the west, and the Huanghuai Plain onthe edge of Guangtian in the East and West. It is known as xxxthe center of themajestic peak and the dangerous airspacexxx.

Zhengzhou belonged to Yuzhou in ancient times. In 1027 BC, after the kingdestroyed Yin on Friday, he sealed his northern Guan Shuxian here and became theGuan state. After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six states, there was a county,which belonged to Sanchuan county. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was the third year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou was named, which isthe beginning of the title of Zhengzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengzhou waspromoted to Zhili Prefecture. In 1923, after the Beijing Han railway workers'revolution, it was known as the xxx27xxx famous city. After the liberation ofZhengzhou on October 22, 1948, Zhengzhou was set up. In 1954, the capital ofHenan Province was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou became thecapital of Henan Province.

The city has five districts under its jurisdiction and one suburbandistrict (Shangjie District), five cities and one county, with a total area square kilometers and a total population of about million, of whichthe urban area is about 130 square kilometers and the urban population is million.

Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is an important transportationhub in China. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Longhai Railway meet here. Zhengzhounorth railway station is the largest and most modern freight marshalling stationin Asia. National Highway 107 and 310 meet here. The expressway network fromZhengzhou to all parts of the province is forming. Now tourists can go directlyto Beijing by high speed. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, newly builtin 1997, is the 21st International Airport and one of the top ten airports inChina. Zhengzhou has developed commerce and trade, known as the mall. As earlyas 1992, a nationwide xxxcommercial warxxx broke out here. Today's commercial war iseven more exciting. Zhengzhou is a famous historical and cultural city approvedby the State Council, which is rich in ground and underground resources, rich inagricultural and sideline products, and developed in industry andagriculture.

Zhengzhou is known as a green city with beautiful environment and shadytrees. Especially in recent years, Zhengzhou has increased the strength of urbanconstruction, and the urban quality has been continuously improved. Zhengzhounew pull Riverside Park, Bauhinia Square and other large green space and is rich in tourism resources, including Songshan scenic spot, Shaolintemple which is famous for its Shaolin work, Zhengzhou Yellow River touristarea, which is a good place to enjoy the charm of mother river, and ZhengzhouYellow River tourist area; There are the hometown of emperor Xuanyuan ofXinzheng, a good place for the Chinese people to seek their roots and worshiptheir ancestors, as well as the ruins of Dahe village, the ancient city of Zhengand Han, the song Mausoleum of Gongyi, the Han Tomb of Dahu Pavilion, the grottotemple, and the hometown of Du Fu. Zhengzhou has complete tourism facilities,including all kinds of star hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, andcolorful nightlife.

During your tour, you will get comprehensive and high-end service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, and understand theprofound culture of the Central Plains.

Welcome to Zhengzhou for sightseeing.

郑州市英语介绍范文 第二篇

Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fenghuang Mountain in Zhengzhou. I'm your tourguide.

Next, I'd like to introduce the basic situation of Fenghuang MountainScenic Spot: Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is located in xiasigou village,Micun Town, Xinmi City, about 50 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, theprovincial capital. It is the afterblood of Songshan Mountain, commonly known asBeisong mountain, Fangshan Mountain and yuexifang, also known as Fuxi fact, Fuxi, the forefather of the three emperors, is also called Fuxi,together with Nuwa who mends the sky and Shennong who tastes all kinds of said that he was a snake and had great powers. Let's study his businesslater. Let's go back to reality. The geology and geomorphology here belongs tothe Proterozoic Songshan group. The altitude is 971 meters and the browsing areais about 20 square kilometers. The vegetation coverage is over 86%. Due to thelarge temperature difference and remarkable climate characteristics, it is verysuitable for the growth of a variety of wild animals and plants. According toincomplete statistics, there are more than 3600 kinds of plants, including 8rare plants (including spring chrysanthemum, rejuvenate grass, Ganodermalucidum, honeysuckle )There are 31 kinds of ancient and famous trees (includingdalongmu, hawthorn king, oak, boxing tree, Gleditsia sinensis, etc.) )Fenghuangmountain is a real natural forest park.

Fenghuangshan scenic spot can be visited all year round. In spring, flowersare in full bloom, refreshing. There are mainly mountain peach flower, wildapricot flower, pear flower, jasmine flower, Robinia flower, honeysuckle flower,forsythia flower and spring chrysanthemum, which are actually the world and seaof flowers. In midsummer, forests block out the sun, waterfalls, streams andpools become a great scenic spot of Xiangyu Grand Canyon. At this moment,Fenghuangshan people have no sultry and irritability of the city at all. You cansuck the fragrance and sweetness. In the golden autumn, the forests are dyed,the mountains are red, and the branches are bent with rich fruits. The scarletfruit, the crystal wild grape, the wild hawthorn and the wild chestnut can makeyou salivate. It's winter. The scenery of northern China is reincarnated. Ifyou're lucky, you can enjoy and photograph the pines. If it's not strict but notcool, do you think you've arrived at the Songhua River?

At present, we mainly develop three tourist routes to Fenghuang Mountain:first, climb Fenghuang Mountain and Lianhua peak. 2、 Visit Phoenix River andtaste Phoenix spring. 3、 Visit Xiangyu temple and Xiangyu Grand Canyon. The mainscenic spots are: xxxdouble lion welcomexxx, xxxPhoenix forestxxx, xxxPhoenix Lakexxx, xxxpoorscholars study hardxxx, xxxecho wallxxx, xxxxiangshuitangxxx, xxxshengzishixxx, xxxdrunkdrivingxxx, xxxDayu mountainxxx, xxxlover stonexxx, etc.

Tourists, let's look at the two stone lions here! These two lions have beenwaiting for us for a long time. Look! The lion inside is a little old andsleepy. He squats down to welcome the guests. The lion outside stands up andlooks up. Should we say hello to the two hosts and then take a picture withthem?

OK, let's move on with me. This place is a modern cultural site - Hongxingcanal. Through the two inscriptions of that year, we can see that the heroicspirit of xxxfighting with heaven and fighting with the earthxxx and the spirit of xxxthe Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, andthousands of rivers and mountains are just waitingxxx. During the period ofpeople's commune, there was a canal from yangjiamen to Jiazhai. Because of theanti imperialist and anti revisionist era, it was called xxxRed Star canalxxx. Itmoved soil in the spring of 65, and nearly 100 migrant workers worked hard fortwo years. It was completed in October of 67, with a total length of 3620meters, all of which are made of stone.

Now we are in the Phoenix river. The path on this side of the river is aclimbing trail for us.

Before mountaineering, I would like to remind you that you must payattention to safety, do not crowd, do not casually throw stones and litter, soas to xxxsee the scenery without walking, walk without seeing the sceneryxxx.

When you come to this place, I can introduce several kinds of Chineseherbal medicine and wild vegetables. If anyone is interested, you can dig a fewChinese herbal medicine and wild vegetables. First of all, let's introduce themountain leek, also known as Ze garlic, which grows mostly on the cliff or inthe shade of the mountain. You often eat mountain leek, which is better than redpeach K. At the same time, it also has the function of Tonifying the kidney andremoving dryness and heat, and has good curative effect on diarrhea. Fried eggswith leeks is a local specialty. Don't miss it at lunch time. You must try 'll introduce a rare Chinese medicine, Jiusi huanhun grass. It's commonly knownas dibaizhi, also known as Selaginella sinensis. Because it grows on cliffs andcan survive without rain for a long time, people call it Jiusi huanhun grass. Itis a kind of precious Chinese herbal medicine, with the effect of astringency,hemostasis, activating blood circulation and breaking blood. The main treatmentof amenorrhea, blood stasis, hemorrhoids bleeding, anal bleeding andhematochezia. The third is wild bayberry. It is also known as zhanci platformand Cimu platform. It mostly grows in bushes, roadsides and other places. Leavescan be harvested in summer, fruits can be harvested in autumn, and roots can beharvested in all seasons. Root: cold in nature and astringent in taste. It ismainly used for rheumatism, activating qi and blood, reducing defecation andstopping thirst. The fruit is warm and sour. It has the effect of and benefiting joints. Well, I'll introduce these first, and let'smove on.

On the spirit turtle

Please pause. Let's enjoy the white stone on the road. Let's see what itlooks like. Yeah, like a turtle. However, the tortoise is standing there, Idon't know whether it is to make way for us or what to look for. It is said thatthere is a curious little tortoise living in the area of Fenghuang it is quiet and where there are wonders, it will try its best to look forthem. The little tortoise heard that Dayu had carved a mountain spring in theXiangyu Grand Canyon of Fenghuang mountain, so he settled down there. Later, heheard that there were many strange flowers and plants on the lotus in the spring when all flowers are in full bloom, there are lots ofspring chrysanthemums on the lotus peak. The little turtle tries every means tolook for them. After appreciating the spring chrysanthemums, he goes here for amoment and doesn't know where to go. He is making a quiet choice between goingdown the River to play in the water or going up the mountain to explore. Thisscenic spot is called xxxspirit turtle exploringxxx.

Bajie does not want to return

Please have a look at this strange stone on the mountain. Is it like thenaughty Bajie among the four disciples of Tang Monk looking up to the west?Bajie looks southwest with great interest. Friends, guess what Bajie is lookingat? By the way, he is looking at the beautiful scenery of Fenghuang mountain. Itis said that the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk Xi Tian passed by andsent Bajie to explore the way before. Bajie was deeply attracted by thebeautiful scenery in front of him. He sat here for a long time to enjoy andforget to return. Besides, Monk Tang waited for Bajie for a long time, butmonkey sun came to look for him. Seeing that Bajie had been sitting here for along time, he thought, xxxwhat's the new idea of the old pig?xxx so he hid andwatched the change. Which friend saw our sun Dasheng? Yes, it's behind Bajie!Look, sun Dasheng is hiding behind the stone. We call this scenic spot xxxBajiedoes not want to returnxxx.

Spring Chrysanthemum Garden (may snow)

Let's move on, and we will soon enjoy the xxxspring Chrysanthemum Gardenxxx.Spring chrysanthemum is not only ornamental, but also medicinal. Its leaves andflowers can make tea. After drinking, it can sober up the mind, clear away heatand toxin. Its stem can be used as high-grade chopsticks. In May, it's a goodtime for flowers to bloom. Like Chaoyang Valley, the wild flowers on the slopeare shining one after another, especially in the sun. It's also called xxxmaysnowxxx.

Qianchi first cliff

Now that we have entered the dangerous section of the mountain, we must payattention to safety, support the old and take care of the young. When we get tothis place, let's take a breath and have a look at the red stone cliff that goesstraight into the sky. There is more than one thousand foot red stone cliff likethis in our Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area, so we name this landscape xxxthousandfoot first cliffxxx. I'll give an overview of the principles of this landscape. As early as billion years ago, intense orogenyoccurred many times in the Songshan area. In addition to the long-termweathering and erosion, the formation of sandstone, shale, conglomerate andother sedimentary rocks is mainly schist and crystalline rock and othermetamorphic rocks. And the lithology of metamorphic rock is very hard, which hasthe topographic characteristics of continuous peaks, abrupt and jagged it has experienced many violent crustal movements in a long geologicalperiod, it has caused extremely complex geological structure types and manygeological scenery. As long as we reach the top of Lianhua peak, we can enjoysuch geological wonders as xxxred stone forestxxx, xxxfive colored stonesxxx andxxxbaicaotangxxx.

Shishang spring and Autumn Period

Have you had a rest? Let's move on. Look at this tree growing in the crackof red stone rock. With its indomitable spirit, do you think of the style ofpine? It's a tree species in Fenghuang mountain, and people call it xxxQuan treexxx.xxxRightxxx is the xxxrightxxx of right. Although it has a small tree girth, its age isamazing. It has a history of more than 500 years. It is the ancestor ofownership trees in Fenghuang mountain. Its leaves are people's favorite wildvegetables, which is called xxxQuancaixxx. Because the tree grows in the stonecrevice, after more than 100 years of spring and autumn, so people call itxxxspring and Autumn on the stonexxx. If you are interested, you can take a picturewith xxxQuan Shuxxx here as a memento. It will accompany you in the long river oflife, flexible and auspicious forever.

Bright song stage

Come on! We are going to go through this short and hard road, usher in newhope and new light. Under our feet is the xxxbright song stagexxx. On the red stonecliff opposite, there are always pigeons singing gently. At this moment, we mayas well enjoy singing, enjoy singing, and pigeons try to compare whose song ismore beautiful and loud, this is the real aerobic exercise ah!

View platform

In order to find better scenery, please follow me. Now, what we havearrived at is the second stop of the viewing platform. Here we want to see thefour corners. In the East is xiuyouling (xiulongling). It is said that Wang Mangpursues Liu Xiu and Liu Xiu has a rest here. In the south is Xingwu village, afamous ancient military building in the song and Yuan Dynasties. A few miles tothe west of Xingwu village is the famous Buddhist building shangxiangyu the north, Jialing, which we are facing now, is called Jialing villagebecause of its ancient town. What you can see in front of you is the CatholicChurch in Tianzhong Bay, Jianshan township.

Unlimited scenery in the peak, let's continue to climb it!

Jielan terrace

After walking through this thrilling and dangerous trail, we can relax ourtight nerves and have a rest at Jielan platform.

xxxFangshan is the largest mountain in the world, and all the mountains standoutside the sky.xxx now we are at the top of Lianhua peak - xxxJielan terracexxx.Standing here, overlooking the distant mountain, xxxsmoke and mistxxx; looking atthe close-up, xxxCuifeng Hongyanxxx. After a rain in midsummer, the rainbow in thesky seems to be within reach. That's one of the wonders of Fenghuang mountain!Fenghuang mountain is not only a natural forest park, a kingdom of naturalplants, but also a treasure house of Chinese herbal medicine. Wild flowers arefragrant all year round, and traditional Chinese medicine is everywhere. Thehillside on our left is xxxbaicaotangxxx. In baicaotang, there are more than 300kinds of valuable traditional Chinese medicine, such as Forsythia suspensa,honeysuckle, Yuanhu, Eucommia ulmoides, Ganoderma lucidum, toad grass, Polygonummultiflorum, Shiwei, reviving grass, etc. Do not miss this great opportunity ofxxxtraditional Chinese medicine bathxxx if you have health awareness. On the rightside of Jielan terrace is the red stone forest. They have different shapes andpostures. Their colors are like Danwo and bright clouds. They are rare naturalwonders in Fenghuang Mountain scenic area. Now come down the mountain with the way down the mountain, you can watch the rare tree species of dragonsubduing wood, Laojun tea, guijianchou, xxxsix sisters of Hawthorn kingxxx, xxxphoenixtree of quintupletxxx, xxxyuanhupoxxx, xxxthe second thousand Chi cliffxxx, xxxmonumentstonexxx (or wordless tablet), xxxCaishi undercoverxxx. Finally, let's go down themountain in Phoenix forest. Before going down the mountain, don't forget to takea special xxxGod chairxxx for you.

Standing here, we have two sightseeing channels in front of us. One is toclimb the mountain from here, climb the lotus peak, and visit Fenghuangmountain. The other is to go up against the stream, and visit Xiangyu temple andXiangyu Grand Canyon. I won't talk about it any more. You can go to the stream,catch fish and crabs, play with the strange pebbles, and forget all yourtroubles.

After a long journey, we came to the famous phoenix lake. According tolegend, there was a huge lake here in ancient times. There are three springs atthe bottom of the lake, which are magnificent. Golden Phoenix often goes to thislake to enjoy the scenery, so it is called Phoenix Lake. There is a stone tableton one side of the lake, which contains the scenery of Jinfeng playing in thewater. Later, I don't know when the mountain torrent broke out, and the ancienttablet went with the water. What you see today is the man-made lake built byJianshan township government to solve the problem of irrigation for villagers inSigou. The top-down slide on the left side of the lake is a convenient way toclimb Lianhua peak. On the top is the towering lotus peak. The dense forest atthe middle of the peak is the famous Phoenix forest. In ancient times, GoldenPhoenix lived in the dense forest. The mountain on the right is Fenghuangmountain, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. The top of themountain is the head of Phoenix, with wings on both sides. There is a magicalPhoenix spring in the valley above.

Speaking of Fenghuang mountain, there is a beautiful legend. A long timeago, there lived a Golden Phoenix in the eastern suburb of Zhengzhou, thecapital of our province. The Golden Phoenix foraged around day and night andused its hard work to nurture and reproduce its offspring. The grain, such asrice, wheat, beans, corn, grain and vegetable seeds, that Jin Fenghuang broughtfrom afar piled up into mountains. The seeds sprinkled on the earth sprouted,grew and fruited. They couldn't eat up for a while. Seeing that the localfarmers couldn't find enough food to satisfy their hunger for a while, theyentrusted the dream to Shennong, so that Shennong could enlighten the mountainpeople to grow grain and multiply. From then on, Fenghuang and the farmersbecame neighbors and lived in harmony. Up to now, there is a village calledxxxPhoenix Terracexxx in Zhengzhou. Fenghuangtai is famous for its rice. Later, dueto the construction of Zhengzhou City, people were forced to stay away fromother places. Where are the farmers going? People don't get any information. Oneday, in the dead of night, Jin Fenghuang and a local farmer said, xxxcome with meto the hometown of zufuxi, a native of Southwest China. Only then can we haveenough food and clothing.xxx So people went westward with Phoenix. They helped theold and the young to the place where we are today - xxxPhoenix Mountainxxx, andsettled down here. Golden Phoenix and their descendants live in a large foreston the hillside, which is called xxxPhoenix forestxxx or xxxphoenix treexxx by latergenerations. Later, the Golden Phoenix toiled all his life, sleeping on the highmountain in front of us. The descendants of jinfenghuang and the mountain peoplewho came to settle down with her specially designated this mountain as FenghuangMountain in memory of jinfenghuang's achievements.

(ladies and gentlemen, it's time for dinner. We should seize this rareopportunity to taste the unique flavor of the Farmhouse Hotel. After dinner, wecan continue our journey. )

Fenghuang Mountain has naturally become a geomantic treasure land in thearea of Fuxi mountain. Buddhism prevailed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Buddhistdisciples searched everywhere for the site of Fengshui temple. Temples were alsobuilt at the foot of Fenghuang mountain. Therefore, it is called Xiangyu Templebecause of its fragrant flowers and birds, mountains and streams.

xxxThe winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Zen house has deepflowers and trees.xxx Now let's go to the Buddhist resort - Xiangyu temple.

郑州市英语介绍范文 第三篇

Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn't go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier.

After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to xxxLearn from Comrade Lei Fengxxx. The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever.



郑州市英语介绍范文 第四篇

Zhengzhou is an old city. As early as 3500 years ago, it was an importantcapital of the Shang Dynasty. Zhengzhou has a long history and is one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation, which breeds the Chinese nation and itssplendid culture. There were five dynasties (Xia, Shang, Guan, Zheng and Han) asthe capital, and eight dynasties (SUI, Tang, Five Dynasties, song, Jin, yuan,Ming and Qing) as the prefecture. Peiligang culture 8000 years ago, Dahe village5000 years ago, Qinwang village and other types of Yangshao culture and Longshanculture sites are found in the area. According to historical records, thebirthplace of Huangdi, the first ethnic group of the Chinese nation, is locatedin Xinzheng, Zhengzhou city. The Xia Dynasty, the first slavery Dynasty inChinese history, had its capital built in Yangcheng (now Dengfeng City ofZhengzhou), and Shang Wang Zhongding moved his capital to? This shows thatZhengzhou was the political center of the country for a long time inhistory.

During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Zhengand Han established their capitals in Xinzheng for more than 500 years. Duringthe Qin and Han Dynasties, Xingyang, Gong, Jing, Xinzheng and other countieswere established in Zhengzhou area. Xingyang once became the world's famouscapital of xxxFu Guan Hai Neixxx. After that, Xingyang County, North Yuzhou andXingzhou were set up in Zhengzhou. In 583 ad, Xingzhou was changed intoZhengzhou. Sui kaihuang 16 years (AD 596 years) set up the State , as the governance of Zhengzhou and Guanzhou, has become the politicaland economic center of Zhengzhou. After the opening of the Grand Canal andTongji canal by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou once became animportant hub of water and land transportation in China. After the capital ofBianjing was established in the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhengzhou belonged toJingji road. In the fourth year of Chongning (AD 1105), it was built as Xifu andbecame one of the four Fu counties in the Song Dynasty. In the early MingDynasty, Zhengzhou belonged to Kaifeng Prefecture. In the Qing Dynasty,Zhengzhou was promoted to Zhili twice.

At the beginning of this century, due to the intersection of pinghanrailway and Longhai Railway in Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou's national industry,handicraft industry and commerce developed rapidly. In 1923, the February 7thstrike broke out in Zhengzhou, which shocked China and foreign countries, andwrote a glorious chapter in the history of Chinese labor movement. From 1929 to1931, Zhengzhou once abolished the county and set up a city. Zhengzhou wasofficially established on October 22, 1948 and became the capital of HenanProvince in 1954.

郑州市英语介绍范文 第五篇

Henan, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River incentral and eastern China, is called Henan because most of the area is locatedin the south of the Yellow River. In ancient times, in the middle and lowerreaches of the Yellow River, there were many rivers, dense forests and wildelephants. Henan was vividly described as the place where people led is the origin of the pictograph xxxYuxxx and the origin of Henan abbreviated asxxxYuxxx. Yugong, the book of history, divides the world into nine states. Yuzhou isone of the nine states in the world, so it is called central plains andZhongzhou.

famous scenery

There are three world cultural heritages in Henan: Longmen Grottoes, YinRuins and historical buildings in heaven and earth. There are 8 National 5Atourist attractions, including Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes, Yuntai Mountainqingtianhe Shennong mountain, Qingming Shanghe garden, Yinxu, Baiyun Mountain,Yaoshan mountain Zhongyuan Buddha, Laojun Mountain Jiguan cave. There are fourworld geoparks: Songshan Mountain, Yuntai Mountain, Wangwu mountain Daimeimountain and Funiu Mountain. 15 national key scenic spots: Songshan Mountain,Luoyang Longmen Mountain, Jigong Mountain, Wangwu mountain, Yuntai Mountain,Yaoshan mountain, Linwu mountain, qingtianhe River, Shennong mountain, Tongbaimountain Huaiyuan, Zhengzhou Yellow River scenic spot.

Best travel time

Henan has a warm temperate subtropical and humid semi humid monsoonclimate. Generally, it is characterized by cold winter, less rain and snow,drought in spring, more sandstorm, hot summer, abundant rain and sufficientsunshine in autumn. The best time to travel is autumn.

regional distribution

Henan Province governs 18 provincial cities, including 17 prefecture levelcities, 1 city directly under the provincial government, 50 municipal districts,20 county-level cities and 88 counties.

History and culture

Henan, known as the Central Plains in ancient times, is the birthplace ofChinese civilization and the Chinese nation. It is the core area of Chinesehistory before Yuan Dynasty. Luoyang (the ancient capital of fifteen dynasties),Kaifeng (the ancient capital of seven dynasties), Shangqiu (the ancient capitalof Six Dynasties), Zhengzhou (the ancient capital of Five Dynasties) and Anyang(the ancient capital of two dynasties) are all famous ancient capitals forthousands of years. The Xia Dynasty successively established its capital nearXiayi (now Shangqiu), Erlitou (now Luoyang) and Yangcheng (now Zhengzhou). TheShang Dynasty established its capital in Bo (today's Shangqiu) and later movedto xxxYinxxx (today's Anyang). During the 4000 years from Xia to Jin, there weremore than 10 dynasties, and more than 200 emperors established or moved theircapitals in Henan for more than 3200 years. During the period of civil strife inChina, Henan was the place where the heroes xxxfought for the Central Plainsxxx. Thename of xxxChinaxxx came from the country whose center was located in the CentralPlains.

郑州市英语介绍范文 第六篇

LeiFeng,formerly named Lei Zhengxing, was born in a poor farmer's family in Dec 18 1940 in Jianjia Tang Disctrict,Wangcheng Town, Changsha City of Hunan Province. Lei was orphaned at 7 years old. He became a member in the Communist youth corps when he was young and joined a transportation unit of the People's Liberation Army at the age of twenty.

Lei died in 1962 at the age of 22, when a telephone pole, struck by an army truck, hit him while he was directing the truck in backing up.
