
如何写英语讣告范文 第一篇

When a man died, his wife called the news and wrote an obituary. She called the obituary department and said that this is what I want to print. Bernie died.

The man in the news said that you can print six words for only $dollars. The woman answered, and then printbernie died and Toyota sold it.



如何写英语讣告范文 第二篇

At 1:30 ., November 20, 2010, Grandma Qianmei Luo passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family in Pudong, Shanghai, China. She was 102.

On January 14, 1909, Grandma Luo was born to a family of 6 Children. She married young. Soon after the marriage, her husband died of illness, leaving behind the young widow, new son and eldly parents. To survive, Grandma Luo married a widower, Ruxing Tian who lost his wife in chindbirth and left him a 3-year-old daughter.

With the mutual efforts exerted by the couple, and later by their children, the family has survived both WWII and Chinese Civil War, political turmoil, and various hardships. They remain a closely-knit and harmonious unit.

Grandma Luo was the key figure behind such a miracle. Like many traditional Chinese women, She never went out to work after marriage, because of her husband's ample salary. With total dedication to her family, she farmed, cooked, cleaned, took care of eldly in-laws, and raised many children and grandchildren. No matter how hard the time were, she and her husband kept their promise not to sell any family land, until after 1949 when all land seized by the government. Despite her husband's reduced income as a result of his long illness, she was able to put food on the table and provide two daughters with good education. Her home was tidy and clean, and she was widely known for her beautiful triangle Zongzi (sticky rice wrapped up in reed leaves).

Grandma Luo was wise in her simple life philosophy. Her motto was to learn to be young when one grew old. She gracefully eased into living arrangements with her children, and spent her last 3 years in a nursing home. Her innocent nature and sincere smile charmed nurses and roommates alike. After the age of 100, much of her white hair turned black. She remained active until the last two months of her life, when she suffered from a fall.

Grandma Luo was proceded in death by her husband Ruixing Tian in 1972 and son-in-law Rushan Huang in 2001. She is survived by her 4 Children: Chunming Luo and wife Rongxian Yao, Rongdi Tian and husband Youxin Ma, Xingdi Tian and husband Yonmin Song of Shanghai, and Jindi Tian of New York and by her 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

A grand funeral was held on the afternoon of November 22, 2010 in Shanghai, China.

如何写英语讣告范文 第三篇

Feb. 14, 2008

Ray Wu, Cornell's acclaimed pioneer of genetic engineering and developer of widely grown, hardy rice, dies at 79

Blaine P. Friedlander Jr.

Ray J. Wu, Cornell professor of molecular biology and genetics, who was widely recognized as one of the fathers of plant genetic engineering, from which sprang the development of widely grown rice plants resistant to pests, drought and salt, died at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca Feb. 10. He was 79.

The cause of death was cardiac arrest.

In 1970 Wu developed the first method for sequencing DNA and some of the fundamental tools for DNA cloning (sequencing involves determining the base sequence in a DNA molecule). After several innovative modifications by other scientists to greatly speed up the process, the same strategy is still being used today, and led to the DNA sequence determination of the entire genomes of rice and human, among other organisms -- helping scientists to understand different genetic traits.

Born in China and educated in the United States, Wu was a scientific adviser to the governments of both China and Taiwan. As such he exerted great influence on cooperation in biological science and education.

At Cornell, in 1999 he committed to a gift of $500,000 to establish the Ray Wu Graduate Fellowship in Molecular Biology and Genetics to support a first-year graduate student. He funded the gift over the next five years to create a permanent endowment to support one graduate student each year in the field of molecular biology and genetics.

Following his pioneering work in the 1980s on the development of efficient transformation systems for rice, Wu and his group genetically engineered rice plants resistant to pests, drought and salt. A gene from the potato, called proteinase inhibitor II (or PIN-II), caused the rice plants to produce a protein that interferes with the digestive process of the pink stem borer, causing the insect to eat less, thus reducing plant damage. In a second study, a barley gene enabled rice plants to produce a protein that makes them salt- and drought-resistant so that they grow in saline conditions and recover quickly from dry conditions.

A third study increased drought, salt and temperature stress tolerance by introducing the bacterial gene for trehalose (sugar) synthesis into widely planted rice varieties. Wu and his colleagues said the strategy could enhance stress tolerance for other crops, including corn, wheat, millet, soybeans and sugar cane.

Wu joined the Cornell faculty in 1966, as an associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, became a professor in 1972, and in 2004 was named a Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor Molecular Biology and Genetics. He served as department chair (1976-1978) in CornellÕs Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology. Prior to joining the Cornell faculty, he was a Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellow, working under Efraim Racker, at the Public Health Research Institute of the City of New York. He has also worked at Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania. He was a National Science Foundation Senior Fellow at the Medical Research Council Laboratory in Cambridge, England, and a visiting associate professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

While on sabbatical leave from Cornell in 19xx ,Wu was director of the Institute of Molecular Biology of Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. He also served as an honorary professor and later as an adjunct professor at Peking University.

Wu founded the China-United States Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Examination and Application program, which from 1982 to 19xx, brought over 400 of the top Chinese students to the . for graduate training, and produced more than 100 faculty members in major universities or key members in industry. These scientists, with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, formed the Ray Wu Society to promote life sciences frontiers.

Among other advisory roles to both the Chinese and Taiwanese governments, Wu was instrumental in establishing the Institute of Molecular Biology, the Institute of Bioagricultural Sciences of Academia Sinica in Taiwan, and the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing, and he held several honorary professorships at Chinese universities and research institutes.

Wu was elected a fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science in 2003; and elected a fellow in the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was given the prestigious Frank Annunzio Award in Science and Technology in 2002, which is presented by the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation.

Between 1982 and 1995 he served as scientific adviser to the China National Center for Biotechnology Development; chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee of the Institute of BioAgricultural Sciences, Taiwan; chairman, Advisory Committee to the Transgenic Plant Program, National Science Council, Taiwan, and chairman, Board of Scientific Advisers of the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.

如何写英语讣告范文 第四篇

Ο (when Harry meets Sally) Ο (you get the email (Casablanca) (pride and Prejudice (Wuthering Heights traffic drug movie xxxRafael Mitchell Douglasxxx) drug trafficking, drug addiction, drug problems, drug charlenberg Zar disco channel video National Geographic video narrator Tomorrow is another day, isn't it? As Scarlett O'Hara said, the end of the world is the concept map of another day, the shadow of life stories. He's a disgusting obituary notice. It's so hard to find an apartment.

What you have to do is yoead the obituary bulletin board, find out who's dead, go to the building and tip the doorman. All they can do is combine the obituary with the real estate department, and then you can Mr. Klein died today, leaving behind a wife, two children and a spacious three bedroom apartment with a wood burning fireplace.

Would you like the steak ready, waiter: what can I get you? Harry: I'll have a number. Sally: I'll have the chef's salad with oil and vinegar on the side, and apple pie. Sally: I'll have hot pie, I'll have ice cream, I'll have strawberries instead of vanilla.

If you don't, don't have ice cream, just whip up the cream, but only if it's true, if it comes out of a can Yes, there would be no waitresses: not even pies: No, only pies, but no hot dining car. I got it all figured out. It's an hour trip, divided into three hours, or we can divide it by mileage.


Ο(当哈利遇到萨利)Ο(你收到邮件了(卡萨布兰卡(卡萨布兰卡)(傲慢与偏见(呼啸山庄交通电影《拉斐米切尔·道格拉斯》)沙皇,成瘾,问题,德鲁格·查伦伯格·扎尔迪斯科频道视频国家地理视频旁白www langfly com(《飘》明天又是另一天,不是吗就像斯嘉丽·奥哈拉说的,世界末日是另一天的概念图人生故事的阴影他是令人讨厌的讣告找公寓有这么难你要做的是你读讣告栏找出谁死了,去大楼给门卫小费,他们能做的就是把讣告和房地产部门结合起来,然后你就可以了,先生今天去世了,留下了一个妻子,两个孩子和一个宽敞的三居室公寓,还有一个燃烧着木头的壁炉。你想把牛排做好吗,服务员:我能给你拿什么哈里:我要一个号码莎莉:我要主厨的沙拉,边上放油和醋,还有苹果派莎莉:我要热馅饼,我要冰淇淋边,我要草莓而不是香草,如果你没有,就不要冰激凌,只要搅打奶油,但前提是这是真的,如果是从罐头里出来的,那就没有女服务员了:甚至连馅饼都没有:不,只有馅饼,但是没有热的餐车,我把它都弄明白了,这是一个小时的旅行,分为三个小时的班次,或者我们也可以按里程数来划分。

如何写英语讣告范文 第五篇

Betty Ford, an outspoken first lady, died on July 8 at the age of 10. Betty Ford loved dancing when she was ten. When she was young, she danced with Waltz and Foxtrot in social classes in Grand Rapids, Michigan, taught by Martha Graham and at Carnegie Hall She convinced her husband Gerald R to give Martha a medal, and if you stay long enough in front of a man, he would agree to anything.

She tried disco steps in the White House and flashed a little light at dinner, but if you wanted to teach her arabesques or jet airplanes, she became the worst ballerina She can't stand the shackles. As she once said, she's a fool who just wants to fly. Of course, she can be the right person in her short first lady's career.

From August to January, she is always dressed up. She always wears white gloves. These gloves, however, although she likes clothes very much, she is at home in Virginia When she likes to linger in bed every morning or make up at her own good time, sometimes she has to tuck her pajamas in her coat from the balcony to greet the public.

Hi, Betty, they are She'll yell, Jerry. She's silent on the day of her inauguration because she's accepted the advice of living in the Bible that morning, she'll put a mask on your mouth, but she makes it clear that she's not going to change the habit of being honest all her life, because she's in the White House, and Jerry, she's going to keep their sleep schedule (not a real double bed, just a headboard She made a blue satin flag for her limo and a pair of baggy cotton shorts on the floor because her family name was Blumer.


贝蒂·福特,一位直言不讳的,于xx月xx日去世,享年xx岁。贝蒂·福特xx岁时就喜欢跳舞。她年轻时在密歇根州大急流城的社上,随着华尔兹和狐步舞翩翩起舞,她由玛莎·格雷厄姆(Martha Graham)教授,并在卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall)的舞蹈团里跳舞(后来她说服了她的丈夫杰拉尔德·R给玛莎一枚奖章,如果你在一个男人面前待得够久,他会同意任何事情,在白宫她尝试过迪斯科舞步,在晚宴上,她会闪过一丝波光,但如果你想教她伯花纹或喷气式飞机,她就变成了最差的芭蕾舞演员,她受不了这种束缚,就像她曾经说的那样,她是一个只想飞翔的当然,她在短暂的生涯中也可以成为合适的人选,从xx月到xx月,她总是打扮得漂漂亮亮的,无论什么时候她都戴着白手套,这些手套,但是,尽管她非常喜欢衣服,她在弗吉尼亚的家里的一个长满一屋子的架子从墙上掉下来了,她太有男子气了,淑女般的公共行为可能会有点紧张,一秒钟的日程安排也会有点紧张,当她喜欢每天早上在床上徘徊到或是在自己的好时机化妆时,有时她不得不把睡衣塞在外套里从阳台上向公众打招呼嗨,贝蒂他们会大声呼喊,杰瑞就职典礼那天她保持沉默,因为她接受了活在圣经中的建议那天早上,她要给你嘴上戴上口罩,但她明确表示,她不打算改变一辈子坦诚相待的习惯,因为她在白宫杰里,她要保持他们的睡眠安排(不是真正的双人床,只是从一个床头板上摆出来的一对双胞胎,但他们也一样会大惊小怪尽可能多地她为她的豪华轿车做的旗子上有一条蓝色缎子地上的一条宽大的棉布短裤,因为她的娘家姓是布鲁默。