

When choosing a life career, the advice of a parent can be quite decisive. Many parents encourage their children to live the life they themselves have only dreamed of, and try a very different job from their own. Nevertheless, in most cases, I believe it would be more beneficial for the child, the parent and the society alike if children followed in the footsteps of their parents when choosing a job.

One of the most obvious reasons is that it paves a more convenient way to success for the children. Children who share similar occupations with their parents can at least inherit the experiences of the parent, which would save them much time and energy along the way. The parents, who have already had decades of trial and failure in the field, would have a clear idea of what kind of knowledge and quality is required for the job. In that case, they would be able to better prepare the children for the job, and give them helpful suggestions along their career development. Moreover, experience is not the only thing children can inherit from their parents. A businessman can provide his son a shortcut to success by leaving him an already well-run company, and a politician can leave his children the connections they would need in order to win sufficient support.

Another thing is that a similar career is likely to strengthen the parent-child bond. In such a fast-paced modernized world, parents often complain that they are losing their child to busy schedules and a digital social world they feel distant from. But generation gaps are easily bridged when parents can often exchange career ideas with their children. However different the lifestyles of two generations may be, the questions they have to face in a similar job can always be a good topic of conversation. Personally, I feel closest to my grandfather when he shares with me his

frustrations and wisdoms of reporting for a national newspaper before he retired, because I may come across similar challenges in my pursuit of a degree in journalism. He is the first person I turn to whenever I need professional guidance, and I feel like I can always trust him and count on him. It should work the same for most parent-and-child relationships. As a career mentor, a parent can bond with the child in more profound ways.

Last but not least, to choose a similar job as the parent is actually a conservation of social resources. As the parent can act as a career mentor for the child, the time and energy spent preparing the novice outside the home can be spared. People would go into the workforce with a rather comprehensive idea of what to expect, and start putting their knowledge and talent into rightful use as soon as possible.

Given the three reasons I just illustrated, it can be a smart decision if children choose similar jobs as their parents. It would benefit their personal success, their family relationships, as well as the efficacy of the society.









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柯林斯词典对example这个词作出了如下解释:“An example is a particular situation, object or person which shows that what is being claimed is true.”(例子是用于证明某种观点正确的独特情况、物体或者人物。)可见,考生只用自己的生活经历作为例子去证明观点是远远不够的,因为每个人的经历有限,而且各不相同,不具有很强的说服力。需要指出的是,柯林斯词典对于example解释里出现的“object”一词的注解也值得我们思考:“An object is anything that has a fixed shape or form, that you can see or touch, and that is not alive.”(物体是指任何有固定形态的事物,可以看到或者触摸的事物,或者无生命的事物。)它启示我们,写作时应该写“看得见、摸得着”的东西,而要做到这一点,考生就要做到细致分类,并尽量将话题中出现的与主题相关的关键名词“具体化”,这样文章的内容自然就充实了。考官看到你的文章中没有废话,也就爽快地给分了;至于你写不写for example、for instance、to cite a dramatic instance、nothing is more proper than this observation之类的套话,则无关紧要。下面笔者就介绍两种写例证段的技巧。


托福写作考查的题材大致有15类,具体包括教育(education)、科学技术(technology)、媒体(media)、成功(success)、工作(work)、政府(government)、友谊(friendship)、代沟(generation gap)、交通(transportation)、环境(environment)、金钱(money)、休闲活动(leisure)、家庭(family)、动物(animals)以及食品 (food)。


I believe that students are supposed to take history classes. For one thing, by learning the American colonial history, they gradually understand how their forefathers, with perseverance and fortitude, built colonial settlements in

Plymouth and Massachusetts. For another thing, through studying the historical facts about the American Civil War, they know that it is during this war that blacks were saved out of poverty and imprisonment and saw the twilight of freedom and liberty. Similarly, the Second World War tells them how courageously America recovered from the raid on the Pearl Harbor and how dauntlessly it fought against Japanese. To sum up, it is important for students to learn history because by learning history, they can know not only how a great nation comes into being, but also how it becomes a democratic country and most important of all, how it rises from hardship and then marches toward prosperity.

从语言角度来看,这篇作文只是处于一般水平,其使用的句型也比较单一。但是这个段落整体上看着还不错,考生的得分也不会低,为什么呢?主要有以下四个方面的原因:①文章首尾句的观点一致,都表示支持“学生学习历史”;②文章将“历史”具体化,通过列举学习殖民地历史、美国内战历史和第二次世界大战历史,从不同侧面论证了学习历史的好处,即了解一个国家的成长、看到黑人境地的`改变,以及国家如何摆脱危机、走向兴盛;③用词虽然一般,但是这位考生使用了关联词来串联不同的例子,如for one thing、for another thing、similarly等,使得文章结构比较清晰;④没有语法和单词拼写错误。从这篇习作中我们可以看出,分类举例和将关键名词“具体化”对考生打开写作思路非常有帮助。



之所以说使用人物举例时写作素材好找,是因为我们无需了解这些人艰辛的奋斗历程或者激烈的心理活动,只需要了解他们在哪个领域从事什么工作、有什么职务或者获得过什么荣誉就可以了,比如:姚明是NBA火箭队的球星,刘翔获得过奥运会冠军、打破过世界记录,Bill Gates是Windows系统的开发人以及微软公司的创始人等。在使用人物举例时,笔者建议考生多列举当代人物,而少列举牛顿、爱因斯坦、海明威等历史名人,因为列举那些名人存在一定的困难:第一,由于日常接触较少,考生可能不知道如何用英语表达这些历史人物的成就;第二,这些历史人物的姓名不容易拼写。

人物举例的另一个优势是可使用的句子结构丰富,可以广泛使用虚拟语气、排比句,这里笔者以虚拟语气为例进行说明。虚拟语气是个很难把握的语法现象,种类繁多、句式多样,是英语学习的难点,但是用它进行举例却是最为有效的。比如,虚拟语气中有一个结构是:It had not been for …, we could not have done… (如果不是因为……, 我们便不可能……)。这个句型还有个“简装版”,即“but for…, we could (not) have done …”。比如,我们举例说明“勤奋”很重要时,就可以首先用人物引出例证框架,即写:“Take Liu Xiang for example.”然后用“but for diligence”点明主题,最后接上“he would not have won a champion in the Olympic Games.”如此看来,这个句型简直就是为例证写作“量身定做”似的!举例法还有很多其他漂亮的句子结构,比如for the sake of (为了……)、by virtue of (由于,因为)等,考生在考试时也可以根据自身情况加以应用。


对于例证段的写作来说,比较传统的写法就是使用for example或for instance的结构,然而这种结构对于考生写作能力的要求并不低。一般而言,例证段写作的基本格式为:①在段首设置主题句;②在主题句的后面以for example引出例子;③进行事实描述。这个格式看起来很简单,其中却隐含着巨大的挑战:例证的写法对写作规范要求较多,进行事实描述时,要求对时间、地点、人物关系等都进行具体的描述。对于一个英语基础薄弱、没有形成写作思路的考生而言,既要找例子证明观点,还要进行架构组织,其难度可想而知。这就是为什么考试时,很多考生写完for example之后,后面就无话可说了。

分类举例和人物举例恰能解决上面的问题。这两种方法看似繁琐,需要考生在备考阶段收集并背诵各类题材的例证性文字。但如果考生准备充分,这确实是得高分的一条“捷径”。这两种写法的最大优势就是内容具体,正好符合托福考试“give specific reasons and examples to support your position”的要求。此外,它的准备方法很有针对性,就是针对各种写作题材准备引申部分的内容,不需要再寻找各种各样的模板。这两种写法还有一个优势就是它们都能与平行结构相结合。无论考生最后分出了三个分支予以细化,还是找到了两个人物进行例证,都能迅速和“首先”“其次”“再次”这样表示平行的递进连词串接,符合“结构清晰、内容具体”的要求。内容具体了,






Do you agree or disagree with the following statementCompared with people who live in urban areas, the people

who live in rural areas can take better care of their families. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer。

这道托福独立写作题目要在短时间快速地审题破题,就一定要学会找 托福写作 的关键词,那关键词应该怎么找呢,首先我们要准确定位名词,这个往往就是文章主体对象的提示词,其次我们还要关注动词,动词告诉我们谁做了一件什么事儿。现在我们再来看一下这道题中的key words有哪些呢第一个key word是compare,这告诉我们这道题是两个主体间的对比,第二个key word是urban and rural,这就已经为大家限定了主体是住在城市以及农村的人,最后一个关键词就是动词短语take better care of,意思就是更好地照顾某人啦。

讲到写作思路,除了“分对象讨论法”之外,还有一种方法叫做“列举原因法”。分对象讨论法,就是可以把这道题当中的 families具体分为孩子、父母等等;列举原因法当然就是列出为什么你觉得住在城市的人能够更好照顾家人的原因。对于这道题,其实大家可以把这两种方法结合起来,对于这道题目真真也是十分适用的。于是我们主要可以从以下几个方面进行构思,第一、大城市可以更好地培养孩子,孩子的发展是很重要,不然也不会有那么多得父母为了培养孩子而倾尽一生了;第二、大城市还能提供更优质的教育,大城市有更先进的教学设备有更权威的老师。所以这一点也是极好的角度;第三、大城市可以为老年人提供更便利的服务,和老年人有关的服务医疗保险、优质的福利院之类的。


首先是开头段,开头段有背景引入式、一边倒式以及让步开头式。在这里,我们可以用一个背景引入式的开头,例如:Convenient transportation systems, a sea of working opportunities, a myriad of entertainment options, flourishing economies and the like have long attracted millions of people to migrate to cities。这句话就是一个典型的背景引入式的开头,但是不同之处就在于把城市的一些突出的优势用一句话列举出来了,言简意赅。主体三段就可以按照以上陈列的三个观点进行拓展,分别从孩子的成长、教育以及老年人的角度来对主体段落进行展开,当然,要加入适当的论文和细节例子作为支撑。最后一段是我们的结尾段。再把主体的观点陈述一下即可。现在我们简单地把每个段落的中心句从语言运用的角度进行分析。

开头段:Convenient transportation systems, a sea of working opportunities, a myriad of entertainment options, flourishing economies and the like have long attracted millions of people to migrate to cities。第一句话的主语首先就

是一个由and连接的并列名词,Convenient transportation systems意为便利的交通系统,a sea of 这个短语真真用的是极好的,表示大量的,咱们可以想象,一片汪洋意为非常的多,显然,对于北京这样的城市,单单用a lot of这样的表达简直是苍白无力的。这个短语修饰了一个名词working opportunities工作机会,那就表示有非常多的工作机会啦。接下来a myriad of同样也是无数的、大量的意思,后面引导的是entertainment options娱乐消遣的选择,这样的搭配特别吸人眼球。总结一下,写作想要拿高分,必须时不时的利用同意替换,丢掉那些平民级的鸡肋表达,才能为你在language use方面大大加分!当然,平时的积累也就显得尤为重要了。

主体段一:First of all, big cities are more favorable for the development and cultivation of the young mind. Urban environments facilitate crucial early-childhood development。这里是第一个分论点,意思是大城市对于培养孩子的思维更加有利。这句话中的favorable用得也是极好极好的,和我们平常熟知的good有截然不同的效果。再看看cultivation这个单词,我们学过这个短语 cultivate one’s ability,意思是锻炼某人的能力,在这里,我们是用了它的名词形式。在第二句话中还出现了一个词汇,facilitate,这个单词的意思是促进,类似的词汇还有promote、accelerate。接下来,是一个连字符的用法,叫做early-childhood,它表示童年的早期阶段。在写作文的时候,可以适当加入连字符的用法,比如说single-mindedly(一心一意)等等,相信一定会帮助大家达到你所期待的高分。

主体段二:The modern teaching facilities and various choices of schools contribute most to better education in urban areas. 我们再来分析一下这个句子,首先,teaching facilities表示教学设备,various choices of schools表示可以有很多学校的选择,而我们很多同学平时喜欢用的many与之相比之下就逊色了很多。之后还有一个短语叫做contribute to。。。这也是我们初中就学过的的短语,可见学习是需要举一反三、温故知新的事儿。

主体段三:It is widely known that older parents should have comprehensive health-care, which can be offered with relative ease in urban areas compared to rural areas。这句话是第四段的点睛句,首先来了一个固定搭配It is widely known that。。。还有另外一个非常好的表达,It is widely acknowledged that。。。都表示众所周知的意思,comprehensive表示全面的、综合的。这句话的意思就是众所周知,年老的父母需要全面的卫生保健,与农村相比,城市会相对更加的舒适。

结尾段:According to the reasons above, I prefer living in urban areas in order to take better care of my family. The family benefits of city life undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages. 结尾部分的第一句话还是老样子啦,综上所述,然后再把自己的观点重申一下:我想要住在城市,为了更好地照顾我的家人。出彩的是接下来的这句话,它用到了一个固定搭配benefits of sth outweigh the disadvantage, 意思是sth的优势超过了劣势,outweigh这个词儿用得很精彩,其实可以在outweigh前再加上一个副词overwhelmingly,连在一起的意思是大大地超过,瞬间感觉又提升了一个层次了!


相关字搜索: 托福独立作文思路


When we talk about being independent, we often think about leaving our parents and living alone. The mental independence is always ignored by people, mental independence means the person can measure the things and make the right decision. As for the children, even they move out and stay far away from their parents, but sometimes they just can’t control themselves, they will get the bad behavior, like smoking and drinking, their life is losing control. The young people need to cultivate their independent spirit, they should think by themselves, learn to take care of the other people, thus they can be the real independent. When a person grows up, they can be strong enough to support their lives and at the same time, they can be mature enough to make their own decision. They can tell what is wrong and what is right.




摘要: 托福写作经常出现新的题目,但是题材却始终都是那几种,因此考生在备考托福写作的时候只要针对几种常见题材进行练习便可以解答大部分题目,而备考托福写作最好的方法便是参考范文。

In order to attract more tourists, which should government do: to improve the safety by hiring more police or to repair old buildings and streets为了吸引更多的游客,政府应该雇佣更多警察以提升安保还是通过修缮旧城以改善市容


政府是否应该做某事,是典型的利弊分析题。警察部分考生略显陌生,但是传统建筑却是在 托福 独立写作题目中常出现的元素,因此建议考生本题从修缮旧建筑的角度进行论证。与此同时,考生需要注意此题和机经题目“保护历史建筑还是建新建筑” (Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings) 略有区别,因为本考题已经提及了“吸引更多游客的目的”,所以展开应更多从游客本身出发。



First, renovating traditional buildings will help tourists better appreciate the essence of city’s history and culture.

Moreover, transformed neighborhoods can better serve other purposes, for example, they can be converted into galleries and hotels to attract more tourists.

Undeniably, economic cost would be huge when it comes to preserving traditional buildings and upgrading old streets. However, when considering the revenue brought by the crowding tourists, people could just ignore the slight investment on renovation.


该范文段落根据topic sentence + explanation + example 的格式,每一部分都对细节进行深度拓展,同时在语言上注重使用平行结构,供大家参考。

Moreover, regenerated neighborhoods can better serve as other purposes, for example, they can be converted into galleries or hotels to attract more tourists. After being renovated, traditional buildings could easily be developed for other new functions. To specify, aged factories could be decorated as fashionable studios and chaotic community altered into hotels, which would be ideal accommodation for tourists, especially those who are interested in learning more about the local culture. On the contrary, it is less attractive for tourists to appreciate the beauty of the city by

wandering in the old and shabby streets, not to mention the headache when finding a comfortable place to stay.

Tourists would be frustrated by the undesirable traveling experience and it is most likely that they would not choose to travel in such a city.


1. to specify 解释为“具体来说”,用于对前面所提到观点的具体展开,等同于to be more specific, specifically等。表示“进一步解释”的词组还有:to explain, to elaborate,如:

The computers have become interactive audio-visual media. To explain/elaborate, PowerPoint presentations and

animation software can be used to teach students in an interactive manner. 电脑已经成为了一种交互式的视听媒体。具体来说,PPT和动画软件可以被用来对学生进行互动式教学。

2. especially those who are…此结构中的who引导的定语从句对于those进行了补充,定语从句是 托福写作 最为常用的句型,如:

Old friends are helpful and faithful companions who deserve our life-long attention. 老朋友是有益和忠实的伙伴,他们值得我们终身关注。

4. it is most likely that… 解释为“很有可能是”。其他类似的单词或词组还有:might, seemingly, possibly, in most cases等,如:

In most cases, socializing with those people who have diverse experiences offers students a broader view of the

world and a deeper understanding of cultural differences. 在大多数的情况下,与有着各种经历的人打交道可能为学生们提供一个更为广阔认识世界的视野和对文化差异更深入的了解。


正如【点题成金】里所说,考生面对这样的题目很容易会想到798,新天地等一系列旧城改造成功的工程。传统建筑焕然一新散发新活力的故事也并不是只有我国才有。Soho of New York City 就是全美甚至全世界都有名的旧城改造的经典案例。而举一个世界闻名的旧城改造案例无疑会拉近自己和考官之间的距离。





相关字搜索: 最新托福独立写作范文






Advertising is one of the most useful ways for enterprise to convince their customers of the products. In fact, advertisements should be honest that it contains real information of the product. Meanwhile nowadays advertisement appears to be more misleading and make products better from the appearance.

Advertisement seems to make us hard to tell the reality from the fantasy. There is a specific example. When targeted to the young children, enterprises tend to use fantasy themes and characters from fantasy movies to help show off their product. Since young children tend not to tell the reality to the fantasy, they will be misled and believe that the product appearing in the advertisement is worth buying. But in fact, the quality of the product will disappoint its buyers.

Moreover, nowadays manufacturers tend to ask celebrities to advertise their products. This will also be misleading, too. The celebrities who advertise the product may not use the product at all and he knows nothing about the product. But the audiences tend to believe him since they think the celebrity is always responsible for what he said in a public situation. The celebrity makes this product worth buying, but in fact, it is not as good as the thing appears on the television.

Sometimes manufacturers just do not ask any celebrities to help them with advertising. What they do is just to find someone acting as the users of the product. This will be even more misleading since they better convince the audience that the product is of great use, since the audience tends to believe people who have something in common with themselves. On the contrary, the product is not usually so valuable that the audience is cheated by merchants.

Under these circumstances, advertisements seem misleading and make people feel better about the product. Although there is possibility that some advertisements are worth believing, at most time advertisement seems to guide us to a wrong direction.





摘要: 对托福有过了解的读者都知道,托福写作考试有相对固定的题目,特别是过去的老托福考试,有经典的185题库,所有的写作题目出自这题题库。现在的新托福对此进行了改革,对题库进行了扩大……




I 描述解释型


判断一道作文题是否属于“描述解释型”,可以看题目是是否包含下列词汇:describe, explain, identify, why, reason, cause, what, how等。如:


In general, people are living longer the causes of this specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home do some students study abroadUse specific reasons and details to explain your answer.


What are some of the qualities of a good parentUse specific details and examples to explain your answer.


由上述三道题目中关键词causes, why, what,我们可以判断它们属于“描述解释型”题目。那么此种问题模式所对应的文章结构安排如下:













第五段: 结论




Paragraph 1: Introduction

Background + layout

Paragraph 2-4: Body

Reason one / Quality one

Topic Sentence + supporting sentences

Reason two / Quality two

Topic Sentence + supporting sentences

Reason three / Quality three

Topic Sentence + supporting sentences

Paragraph 5: Conclusion:

Restatement of the Body



Introduction: A few reasons are thought to contribute to such phenomenon of a longer life expectancy than before.

Main body 1: First of all, availability of basic health care makes people live longer.

doctors and medicine for common diseases readily available

Main body 2: Moreover, advances in medicine enable people to live a longer life.

of vaccines against some diseases and flus to prolong patients’ lives.

Main body 3: Last but not least, increasing awareness of health makes people live longer.

exercise and change of health-related habits.


Introduction: Several factors are thought to be the essential to lead to this phenomenon that an increasing number of students choose to further their education abroad instead of at home, three of which are most significant.

Main body 1: First of all, studying abroad enables the students to pursue a program that is not available in their home country.

US accounting system

Main body 2: Moreover, studying overseas is a good way to enhance their competitive edge in the future job market.

a western critical mind

Main body 3: Last but not least, students can have access to a new language via pursuing education in a foreign country.


What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems? Fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power? Protect forests and natural wildlife species? Pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution.


Taking a panoromic view of human history, we can readily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determing the future of each and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which is the most essential action to protect the environment, among funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.

Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is common sense, the deteriorating environment is the result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhause(. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problems related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, once the cars uses the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.

Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy sources are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the access to various energy and thus impede the progress of the whole society. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that across the globe, many countries now are heaviely dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these companies is enforced, these corporation may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankcrupt. Accordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.

Factoring what has been discussed above, we can conclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmental problems comprehensively.




比如:The merits of serious movies far outweigh funny movies.

应改为:The merits of serious movies far outweigh those of funny movies.(those指代的是前半句的比较对象merits)



比如:A movie that inspires deep emotions.(只有名词加定语从句,不是完整的句子)

应改为:She went to see “The Silver Star”, a movie that inspires deep emotions.



比如:There is increasingly widespread reliance on electronic mail, some people still resist using it, especially those who prefer handwritten letters.

应改为:Although there is increasingly widespread reliance on electronic mail, some people still resist using it, especially those who prefer handwritten letters.(根据两句之间的关系,加入连词)



比如:Many students thinks tomorrow is a holiday.

应改为:Many students think tomorrow is a holiday.

再比如:The use of cell phones during concerts are not allowed.

应改为:The use of cell phones during concerts is not allowed.



比如:Even expert or scholar specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of knowledge in order to succeed.

应改为:Even experts or scholars specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of knowledge in order to succeed.(可数名词变复数形式)



比如:Printed books are limited in space, however, space is not an issue for electronic ones.

应改为:Printed books are limited in space. However, space is not an issue for electronic ones. (用句号将原句分成两个独立分句)


Actually there are two main ways of travelling – travelling on your own and being led by a tour guide in group. Sometimes when we plan for a trip, it is always hard for us to choose between these two methods. Meanwhile, I would prefer be led by a tour guide while I am travelling around. There are several benefits of being led by someone who is acquainted with the place you go and of being in a group.

Being led by a tour guide in group can offer us convenience during our vacation. Usually we are not familiar with the landscape, the direction and the customs of our destination. Sometimes if we travel abroad, we may even know nothing about the language and thus cannot turn to anyone for help. I still remember when I travelled to Italy; I knew no Italian at all and found it hard to stay in this foreign country, let alone enjoy myself! Finally I found a travel agency and then followed the group. The tour guide offered me a lot of convenience during my stay in Italy and finally I went back home safe and sound.

In addition, following a group also guarantee a deeper understanding of the culture in your destination. Almost all the tour guides have received formal training in the local history and

culture. Actually every time we stay in a group with a tour guide, he will always tell you the customs and the detailed history of a site of interests. Therefore, by staying with the group and listening to the tour guide, we will learn more about our destination without much effort.

Moreover, being in a group with a tour guide will make you safe during the whole vacation. Actually this point of view is the most important in my point of view. The tour guide is familiar with the country or the city we visit and thus we can hardly get lost. Staying in group makes us less likely to be focused by some bad people. All of us want a safe tour. As a result, the best way to guarantee safety is to stay in group with a tour guide.

All in all, thought we might lose some freedom by staying in a group with a tour guide, this way of travelling still can be well-rounded because it offers us convenience, deeper understanding and safety. Under this circumstance, I want to state that the best way of travelling is to be with a group and to be guided by a person who is familiar with our destination.













对企业来说,只有付出才能持续发展。在信息时代到来之前,钢笔曾是这个世界最重要的书写工具之一。很多钢笔品牌应运而生,在上个世纪创造了骄人的业绩,我国的英雄钢笔便是其中的典型代表。在上个世纪,它勇于创新,不断努力,曾一度与世界著名品牌派克钢笔并驾齐驱。然而进入新世纪,它却努力不足,设计模仿,质控不严,最终市场份额被其他品牌瓜分。如今,派克雄风不减, 凌美横空出世,万宝龙涅槃重生,而英雄却日落西山。对比可见,企业的努力与业绩正成正比,只有不断努力才能子啊这个竞争日趋激烈的时代获得持续的发展。







































1. 结构和分层


2. 文章均衡性


3. 逻辑推理词

作为段落的开头,逻辑顺序词如:First of all,Secondly,Moreover,Last but not the least等等,这些词虽然看似可有可无,却可以加强你文章的逻辑性,如同口语当中的My first reason is…My second reason is…会帮助考官快速找到那种层层递进的逻辑推理,是一个托福关键的考察点。

4. 开头和结尾




All in all,we should read books since they can broaden our knowledge,fulfill our imagination and help us gain experience.


All in all,we should read books since they can broaden our knowledge,fulfill our imagination and help us gain experience。In our lives books often play an essential role ,and everyone has something to learn from them。They will only become more important in the future.






What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local communities?

1. Plant trees and create parks

2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags for consumers

3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), and reduce the automobiles on roads


With the sense of community becoming much stronger, how to protect the environment of local communities has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Therefore, when it comes to which is the most feasible measure to help environment, among planting trees and building parks, encouraging local shops to stop using plastic bags, and improving public transportation, people's notions may vary from one to another. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the first option is the best.

Firstly, growing trees and constructing parks can definitely help to ameliorate the environment. For one thing, more trees will contribute to the improvement of the air quality of the whole neighborhood. As is common sense, the prosperous industrial development has produced large amounts of waste gas, with the result that the haze and smoggy weather shroud quite frequently the major cities in our country. The current air condition necessitates the planting of trees, which can purify the contaminated air to a large extent. In other words, trees, the lung of the earth, play a vital role in absorbing some harmful gas and producing more fresh air through photosynthesis. For another, the public parks can be helpful to increase the biodiversity of the local community. Accompanying the rapid urbanization, an increasing number of natural lands have been utilized for constructing factories, shopping mall and skyscrapers, which greatly diminishes the natural habitats of animals, such as birds and squirrels. In this case, parks become the only place which can serve as habitats for those animals. Accordingly, the species of animals living here can become more diverse.

In addition, there are certain limitations for the other two options. Admittedly, reducing the use of plastic bags and making public transportation more accessible may also be conducive to the environmental protection in some degrees. To illustrate, if the plastic bags are prohibited, the so-called white pollution will be relieved. Also, easier access to public transportation means less use of private cars, which leads to the reduction of car exhaust. However, in comparison to planting trees and building parks, the above two measures enjoy less popularity among the residents of the community and thus are unlikely to be implemented. The underlying reason is that growing trees and constructing parks can create a more comfortable living environment while the other two choices can bring about more inconvenience. To be more specific, if shops stop the use of plastic shopping bags, the customers have to take a cloth bag while shopping. Also, taking public transportation will take longer time than driving the private cars, which means that commuters have to get up much earlier than before. It is self-evident that whether a policy can be carried out directly determines its effect, which is especially true of the above situation.

Taking what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that the most effective way of protecting environment in local communities is to plant trees and create parks.


In modern society, media was almost everywhere. At the beginning of one day, I read a newspaper when eating breakfast. On the mass transportation to office, I listen to radio programs until the subway arrive my destination. A high school boy next to me is playing an I-phone, and people on the bus read books, journals, and magazines. I usually skimp newspapers and magazines when passing by a convenient store. Actually, there are too many sources providing information. I take advantage of them every day, but I still do not feel well-informed, because there is too much information filling into my thinking. So that is the reason why I disagree with the statement that a person must get information from various news sources to be well-informed.

First of all, there are too many sources, and most of them give segment information. The segment information might be misleading our judgment. For example, the weather reports on channels always have different opinions. Sometimes a programs says there would be rain tomorrow with 30 percentage raining rate, the other provided that it would be cloudy tomorrow and possible a sunny day. Their forecasts are different and might be true. Unfortunately, people are more likely to get all of them, which made us harder to make a decision for tomorrow’s plan. Hence, people get information from different sources might mislead their judgment and be more difficult to be well-informed.

Second, if the people have many sources for information, they will have no time to be well-informed, because they must spend more time integrating them. For example, when I was in the university, I did a study on earth quake and tsunami. I gathered the information from textbooks, national geographic magazines, and discovery channel, as well as the internet. I spent many time organizing these information, and got different knowledge from different media. From the textbook, I knew causes of earth quake and its relationship with tsunami. Then, from the discovery channel, I learned the nascent point of view from well-known researchers. I also had the various theories on the internet and finally found they were partially obsolete. After I gathered all the information, I found that to integrate them into a study was really a task, since there was too much information. As a result, I needed more time to be well-informed, and I would rather to take a geological class about the topic.

In sum, there are too many sources providing information. We could spend a lot of time to absorb it all, but the information might be different from different sources. This might make us misleading and lose our judgment. In addition, information from different sources might be too diverged to merge. With that, we have to spend more time on organization. Therefore, many different news sources are appropriate for a person who wants to be well-informed.













Compared with the past several decades, current lifestyle has changed a lot due to the development of science and technology. Despite some people may argue that it also leads to some negative effects, such as environmental pollution or more pressure, yet, in my opinion, life today is still more comfortable and easier than the past, since it brings more pros than cons in the following aspects.

Firstly, Internet brings more conveniences to our life, which breaks away from conventional ways in different fields. For one thing, people can communicate with each other more freely, instead of merely sticking to face to face talk in reality. It is not only beneficial to keep harmony relationship with each other but also improve the efficiency of communication to some degree. For another, various kinds of information and stuff online contribute to building easier and more convenient lifestyle. People can obtain almost everything they want online, such as searching for information, studying, or shopping, which leaves out the trouble of going outside and walking through the crowd.

Additionally, the improvement of transportation, involving multiple kinds of transportation, such as buses, trains and even airplanes, they not only improve efficiency of travel, which saves much more time within the same distance, but also ameliorate service mechanism in order to provide passengers more comfortable environment during their travel. Meanwhile, compared with the period when our grandparents were children, lower expenses attract more people to enjoy advantages brought by current relatively well-developed transportation.

Admittedly, with the increase of life pace, people nowadays are struggling from more pressure in order to pursue better physical life as they attach more importance to their work, and accordingly have less time accompany with their families. However, more entertainment

resources, like bars, playgrounds or gyms, come out, which provide workers with more opportunities to relieve pressure and relax themselves. Moreover, as for those who cannot cope with stress by themselves, psychologists are always ready to help them. And people are active to find tradeoff between pressure and life in the feedback.

Overall, though we cannot ignore the negative influences in life today, we still need to be optimistic and positive enough to enjoy the better living standards due to the remarkably economic increase and the development of technology.




摘要: 托福独立写作满分详解 为了方便广大考生更好的复习,智课教育综合整理了关于托福独立写作满分详解的相关内容,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生们的复习能够有所帮助。以下就是


新托福TOEFL考试的最后一部分是“写作”,要求考生写2篇文章,第一篇叫做综合写作(Integrated writing),让考生用3分钟时间先读一篇约250字的文章,然后听一段2分钟关于对所读内容的评论。再让考生写一篇


1. 熟悉和理解4大评分标准是高分关键

评分标准1:effectively addresses the writing topic and task.


评分标准2:well organized and well developed

评分标准3:uses specific details and examples to support you view


评分标准4:displays language facility by demonstrating syntactic variety, word choice and idiom.(通过谴词造句和习惯表达来展示语言的熟练程度)

这一点是各位考生经常忽视,迷惘和不清楚的一点。新托福TOEFL作文占总分120分的30分。我们对大家的要求是在作文上花的时间既要少又要拿高分,至少28分。凡是想拿到28分甚至满分以上的同学一定要留意此项评分标准。能用first千万不要用firstly,能用finally千万不要用last but not least.不少同学花了很多功夫背这一外国人都不用的词组,能用常用的词千万不要用偏词,同时我们要熟练把握ETS喜欢的5大语法结构和2种








The main reason for my view is that .

First of all, Second,


So, .

Another reason for my view is that .

On one hand, . For example,

. In addition, .

Finally, .

(分理由1) . (分理由2) .

In conclusion, based on the reasons I discussed above,(please rewrite the first paragraph in another way). . .


每个人都会说work hard and work smart.但大多数人均没有做到,至少在备战新托福TOEFL及新托福TOEFL写





Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




高分词汇:encourage, reward, drawbacks, refute, stimulate, periodically, unwise, pursue


Offer;school-age children;for each high grade(mark)they get in school



School-age children need encouragement from parents to build confidence and willingness in study. The act that parents offer money for each grade they get is a good material incentive,which allows them to have enough pocket money to do what they want to as well as the sufficient reasons to work hard to get a next good grade.

Some school-age children that are occupied with studies feel isolated. They do not have enough awareness about what behind the good grades in examinations. Parents’ behavior of offering money for each high grade they get tells them that working hard in study is a necessary. It means parents cares about their efforts and their results. They stand with their children.


Material rewards should not be the best way to encourage school-age children to have a better academic performance. Parents have the obligation to let their school-age children know that only by studying hard,can they achieve good grades in examinations. And making efforts in study is all for their own choices of their future.

School-age children do not have a mature and sound consumption view. Once they got much money from their parents, they are likely to spend their pocket money without any limit before they have a consideration. They may form a bad habit of spending money.

Parents’ behavior of offering money for their children’s each high grade in school will make their school-age children misunderstand that grade or mark,is the most valuable standard to measure their academic performance. And money is the optimum way to express recognition. They have an alternative to tell their children that the process of acquiring weighs more and they always understand them during the way of learning. For example, the frequent communication and participation in their children’s learning activities.
